Wednesday 30 October 2013

An Officer and a Grown up boy (SE)

He's coming for the second date, your initial on line chat was centered around your love of picnics and it seems you have signed up for doing one. The weather isn't on your side so you decide to do an indoor picnic. He's a naval officer so you feel the picnic needs to have cheese and port. Gal Pal offers up her wooden cheese board and some port glasses, seems she has a lazy susan you could put to good use to, and you'll have those dip bowls thank you very much.
A Spanish twist to the picnic has developed as you find yourself buying manchego cheese, chorizo, parma ham and the ingredients to knock up a home made Tortilla Espanola. Sainsbury's have supplied little stuffed peppers with some creamy wonderfulness inside and olives though you hate them. Seems everyone else likes them so you always buy the poxy things.
Now what to wear? Think it through, you'll be sat on the floor for a while. You are putting a thin duvet under the picnic blanket for comfort and that's where you will eat. Sitting like that is never good, it'll show every lump and bump so you decide on a maxi dress, its a silk one by French Connection that you once splashed out on. It's low enough to give a glimpse of the goods and is lined so it holds its shape well, you sit on the floor in front of the mirror and confirm it as the dress of choice. You breath out, you twist, you lean forward and lean back. Yep, you feel this'll doesn't make you look a stone lighter which would be the ideal right now but it doesn't scream 'Rolls R Us' either!
He's younger than you and you're fully aware that there isn't an ounce of fat on him, last weeks first date kissing and slipping hands under clothes taught you that much. You would have liked to have lost two stone this week but it hasn't worked, you are a couple of pounds down if you are lucky!
You pop out and get your nails done on the Saturday morning, such a boring chore not helped by the fact the technician doesn't speak a word of English. Occasionally they let out a little squeak or moan and across the room this is returned by another...feels mental but maybe that's how we sound to some? You've time to think things over, everything is planned, you have all the food and will nip in to Waitrose before you head home to grab a decent bottle of pinot noir.
You return home and give the house one last blast of cleaning. The bedding is fresh on and the bathroom is spick and span, you lifted the lid and bleached like mad, of course he's a fella so he's a lid lifter and this attention to detail is important.
Jeez is that the time? You run upstairs and jump in the shower.You take a razor to your legs and underarms and trim your bikini line a little neater. There isn't a guarantee something will happen but it did get hot and steamy last week and you know with a little wine you could be very tempted. You are staying in all night and you have definitely considered the picnic to be romantic, the candles you lined the room with certainly dictate that.
You jump out of the shower and dry off your hair, chuck some heated rollers in and get to work on your face. You choose pink shades and apply subtely, too much will make it look like you are trying and lots of make up can be ageing, you need fresh faced and vibrant for your young un'.
He has text to say he's 20-25 minutes away, he's coming up from the coast where he is based and is good at keeping time and giving you his ETA. Thats just enough time, you text him back and ask that he comes round the side of the house, you want to show him in to the room with the picnic laid out not have him walk straight in to it.
He arrives with wine; brownie points for the pinot noir, shows he has listened and he also has some chocolate extraveganza for dessert, he's good! You remove his coat, hang it and show him through to the picnic you have freshly laid out, he is clearly impressed and turns to kiss you. It's a gentle but firm kiss, you suddenly feel a little shy, you didn't remember him being so tall and so broad and you've not had any wine yet...must rectify that soon!
You pour a glass of pinot for you both and take his hand, you walk in to the picnic room and sit. There's a little music on in the background, you realise how good your attention to detail is...the playlist is 100 songs, nice mix of romantic and chilled without being obvious. The conversation flows easy and any nerves you had subside. He mixes in a few kisses now and again and it all feels very natural.
At 31 and 10 months you are aware of the age difference, 4 years isnt enormous but its a first for you. 'So when are you going to be 28?' you vaguely remember him saying his birthday is before Chirstmas. 'ummm its a way off he says'. You know it can't be that far. You ask 'you have a birthday in the next two or three months dont you?' He confirms he does and then adds that 4 years after this
one he will turn 28.
Hang on in a are no Carol Voderman but you are pretty sure he has just said 4 years after his next birthday which would make him 24 on his next birthday....which would make him 23 right now? No, no, have a younger brother who is older than this guy! He sees the look on your face as the little maths exercise is conducted and tells you its not a big deal. He doesn't feel he has lied you got his age off an online profile which had miscalculated it and you've not discussed it before.
You feel a little sick, 'I'm going to end up on some sort of sex register...this is not good. You have to leave!' You move away from him and he laughs, you are not finding it that funny but he doesn't seem to care. He tells you it's a silly reaction, you both like each other and find each other attractive he explains and then he tells you he doesn't care about your age and adds that he thinks you are hot. You want to be ok with it but it's made you a little uneasy.
He pulls you toward him and kisses you, you push him away, this is not what you want right now but it just seems to encourage him more, his kiss is hard and he holds the back of your head firmly. You push him away again and he grabs you, pulls you tight to him and say's 'stop being such a silly little girl.' You kiss him back and let those words run round your head. He is so right, you are being a complete child and he is being the mature one. Maybe age really doesn't matter, this one has had you well under control and in fairness not many have done that....if any?
His hand moves up your leg under the maxi dress, he is confident and dominant. He can't be 23!! You look at it him and see a determination, he doesn't care about the age and this is going to happen. He doesn't take things too far, he moves his hands over your body but you get a feeling he is just warming up.
You finish the picnic with cheese and port which has an immediate effect and then you realise you are already a bottle and a half down on the pinot as well. He clears the food away, you watch him as he does and consider how efficient he looks, he is a naval officer after all so it shouldn't be a surprise. His tight ass looks wonderful as he moves from the picnic to the kitchen....wouldn't mind laying cheese on that little cracker! He catches you looking at him and you feel a little blush hit your cheeks, it feels like he is in charge here and you forget his age and take in the man in front of you. All 6 foot 2 inches of him.
He moves you to the large sofa where you sit either end looking at each other, you are chatting and laughing with a glass of pinot back in hand. It's as if you are sharing a bath the way you are sat. You like how he has positioned you both, its flirty and quite intense. Your glass is empty and he takes it from you, he doesn't refill it but instead pulls you to and under him. He leans in with eyes open looking straight at this is intense and then he kisses you, this is different to the others, he is nibbling at you and sucking gently as he kisses you firmly. You feel yourself getting lost in it, he leads the kiss and you feel his fingers slipping in to your hair. You could kiss him forever.
He is pressed against you and you feel more weight on you as his hands start to move. He touches your breasts through your dress and you love how much time all this is taking, you have been here like this for ages and he is in no rush. You run your hands down his body, jesus it's so firm! He isn't rippling with muscles but instead is solid and broad shouldered, his ass is so solid and you imagine it's full of power or so you hope! He stands up and removes his top, yep there it is....he is lovely.
He takes the buckle off his trousers but doesn't undo them, he sits on the sofa and moves you on to him, you fall down lying on top of him kissing and running your hands up and down each other. He grinds in to you. You are grateful he removed the buckle...but of course he did. He thinks ahead!
He continues to touch you through your clothes. It's really hot! He kisses your neck and down to the v in your dress. He pushes his head in to your cleavage and then rises to kiss you hard.
He then asks 'Would you like to go to bed?' He is so in control and you love it. 'I would' you say. He stands and blows out the candles, he turns the key in the front door so you are locked in and takes your hand. He leads the way taking the stairs slowly one at a time and he turns back and looks at you. He gives you a smile and you feel pleased he is so comfortable at taking the lead.
You reach the top of the stairs and he holds both your hands in his...he stares right at you and then leans in slowly to kiss you. It's a light kiss, exploring your mouth with no pressure. Your hands are still held and he then slips them round your waist to the small of your back, he pulls you toward him so your pelvis hits him first and then your mouths find each other. His hands rise to grab your face and you are pushed back against the wall of the small landing area. He is much firmer now and his hands are gripping your face as he kisses your forcefully. You feel a little out of breath.
His hands move down the silk of your dress as he pulls that up above your knee. His hands are moving up your inner thigh and he then cups you. He doesn't touch you as such he just places his hand on you and you feel the warmth of his palm through the cotton of your briefs. It's as is his touch is magicial, you feel so turned on and your stomach is flipping but he isn't really doing anything to you.
His kiss is incredible, you suddenly feel like you are in a period drama as you try to catch your breath and notice your breasts rise and fall. They are heaving, not bad for a lower grade C cup! He steps back and takes your hands again leading you in to the bedroom, he drops his jeans and reveals tight black boxers, they are understated but he doesn't need anything else, they hug his taught body just fine. He sits and pulls you toward him. He takes a hand to the zip on the side of your dress and pulls it down, the dress is then pushed down over your shoulders and it pools at your feet.
It is the perfect way to be undressed and then you think about how he has planned it, he must have worked out where the zip was and how best to remove your dress when you were kissing and you love that about him. You stand there in black cotton briefs and a strapless bra and he kisses your stomach while gently running his hands up your thighs.
He moves his head down your body and kisses you through your briefs, the warmth of his breath without the direct contact of his mouth is incredible. Normally you want to be tearing at each others clothes but this is perfect. You don't know what's coming next but you are happy to go along with whatever he has planned.
He reaches up and undoes the hooks of your bra and gently lets it drop to the floor. Nothing is said between you but he doesn't stop looking at you. He then slips his index fingers in to the sides of your briefs and gently and slowly pulls them down, you give a little wiggle to help him out, as they drop to the floor he leans down and gets you to step out of the them and discards them across the room. You stand there naked in front of him and he gives you that cheeky grin, in that moment he looks young but his eyes are that of a determined and dominant man.
His hands move over your body, he puts them on the small of your back and over your cheeks down to the back of your thighs. The house is warm but you get a cold feeling over your body. He pulls you closer to him as you stand between his legs. He takes your breasts in his mouth and gently sucks at your nipples. He rubs his palm over them until they become stiff and then he sucks them again. He isn't touching any other part of you but you feel it over every inch of you. Your skin feels totally alive.
He stands and turns you to the bed, you sit and he encourages you to move over. He kisses you again and you hope this isn't suddenly going to get really boring!
The kissing is perfection and you get lost in it again, you then feel his hands over your legs, he is running fingers up and down your thighs and each time getting closer to touching you. You feel teased but patient with it, you don't at this stage want him to speed up.
His hands continue to move up your thighs and then he does it again, that warm palm cups you. This time there is nothing in the way and you feel the full warmth of his hand. His palm feels large and the realisation he has cupped you within it makes you feel owned by him. You wonder if he will tell his fellow sailors that he had you in the palm of his hand and you let out a little giggle. 'Something amusing you young lady?' he asks. You giggle some more and he says 'I think that's enough giggling' and he kisses you hard. The kissing is relentless and he is so much firmer than he has been before. He then moves up the bed and pushes his body between your legs. You part your knees like Moses has commanded the red sea and let him close to you.
He is on you now, pressed against you and his kiss is unyielding. You feel a throbbing in the tight black pants he still wears and for a moment think 'jeez whatever you do don't let that out.' You can't recall a time you've felt like this, where someone was totally in control and the build up to him taking you was so exciting. You know that throbbing is coming for you and you feel a little nervous, it's as if he is going to devour you and you love how you are starting to forget you've ever done this before.
He gets on to his knees and unveils himself. He is at full attention and the throbbing is visible, there is no doubt in your mind of his excitiment. The heaving of your chest is back as he looks down at you, 'Do you want this?' he asks, 'yes' you whisper. He doesn't look happy with that response, 'do you want me?' he adds. 'Yes I do' you say with a little more convinction. 'What do you want?' he asks, you give your response with no thought at all, 'I want you inside me' you say breathlessly.
He puts his big hands under you and cups you with them as he pulls you toward him and on to his erection. You feel it enter you a little but not fully. He then pushes toward you and you feel his full length slip in to you. He pushes in to you as far as he can go and barely moves out of you. He keeps himself deep and you put your hands on his firm arse so you can feel him squeeze as he pushes in to you.
It's far from frantic and you are not crying out but you feel totally consumed by him. Every inch of him is in you and you feel like he owns your body. He moves slowly and determindly. His patience is incredible, your whole body feels stirred.
He is a submariner and you wonder if that helps his ability to be so patient, three months deep undersea with no woman and supposedly limited space to even sort yourself out must be hell. You had thought they would go crazy and beserk when it comes to sex but you wonder if this is more like how he would be. Savouring every single moment of it. You don't want to send him off for months on a submarine but you imagine what it would be like when he got would be at least three days locked away you tell yourself.
He pulls his hands firmly under you so you are pressed tightly against him and he rolls over. You are on top and he is still inside you. You love the move, most men pull out turn over and say 'sit on me' but not this one, he has done it without any need for instruction. He gets you comfortable on him and cups his hands on your arse, he pulls you against him and you feel him hard inside you. He is dictating the pace and you go along with it. The pleasure is written on his face but he doesnt say anything. Your breathing tells him you are enjoying it. You keep the pace he has set as he moves his hands up to your breasts and tweaks at your nipples. He then takes a hand down to your clitoris and applies pressure, as you move and grind against him you get an added feeling of pleasure.
He stops and pushes your legs back, your legs slip between his and you are lying flat on top of him. You move against him again and decide you love this position, you can feel him inside you and pressed against your clitoris making you circle and grind as you move up and down. He grabs your face and pushes his tongue in to your mouth, it's sudden and erotic. He lifts his pelvis and you are taken to a whole new level of pleasure, it's not speeding up but it's hard and concentrated. You feel a vibration in your lips as he kisses you and lets out an 'mmmmmmm' you are so turned on.
You move against him and he lifts as you move up his body allowing you to feel just how hard and deep he is inside you. You feel a warmth spread over your body and as you move up him and he sucks your nipples you are aware of how sensitive your body is feeling. He is kissing you again and you struggle for breath, his 'mmmm's' are getting more regular and his breathing is changing to match yours. Nothing is said between you, there is just the noise of breathing and 'ahhhhs' and 'ohhhhs', you start to feel a little light headed, the movement between you is a rocking motion which has started to increase in speed.
Your body let's out a little tremble and he grins at you. He is so hot. The movement between you continues and he is moving underneath you. He's lifted from his pelvis and as you move up and down him you feel the pressure against your clitoris and every inch of him inside you, the more you move the warmer you start to feel and the trembling is building. He doesn't lose momentum. You are impressed by his stamina and strength especially as your weight is bearing down making it easier for you but giving him the more difficult task. You rock together in a perfect rhythmn and you feel you may come. You wonder if it's too slow a pace but the familiar build is there.

Your bodies are slick with sweat and it's just enough to rub against each other without any chaffing. You continue to move up and down as he thrusts up in to you and then it begins, the tipping point of the pleasure is reached and you can feel an orgasm building. You want to say something but you can tell he knows, the timing of his thrusts is perfect and he is obviously conscious of exactly when to do this. You hear yourself moaning and your breathing is far more pronounced, your legs start to shudder and you squeeze every muscle. You are wound tight, your entire body is tensed as you feel the waves of an orgasm within you and then it's so intense and you shudder and almost whimper as it leaves your body. It lasts far longer than normal and you feel totally spent.
You slip off him and lie next to his sweaty body. He looks like an oiled up model right now and you feel a little self conscious beside him. He says 'that was an amazing orgasm...don't ever mention my age again, you are a sexy woman and you know what you want and I can give that to you. I bet there are men ten years older than me that haven't got a clue'. You could come again, the delivery of his statement is confident but not cocky and he is so right.

You love that he has told you not asked you and he knows what he is talking about. He has taken the time to learn about a woman and can therefore provide an experience like this evenings. You lie there and say 'That was good and I like that you know what to do with me but remember it takes two and I know how to have an orgasm so you are in good hands'. He turns and kisses you very forcefully, he then said 'and that's what I fucking like about you.' He feels so dominant and you like it.
Normally you want to have at least a couple of orgasms but tonight's was incredible and very intense and you feel totally satisfied...that's rare. You lie there next to each other and start to feel sleepy, as you doze a little you think about morning and what the submariner might have in store...

1 comment:

  1. Sussex Seren does it again - the perfect combination of wit and charm and a story Richard Gere style with that Officer maybe not so much a Gentleman - more a hot blooded Navy Action Man!!!
