Monday 21 October 2013

The City that Satisfies (SE)

Many of you will have visited New York City and will no doubt have found something there that you love and discovered one of the many surprises it has to offer. If you haven't been then for the vast majority of you it'll be on your wish list of places to visit.  I have many a time and this includes a very recent trip. I will go again but each time I do I know I will suffer for it.

Nothing is the same...New York changes everything. I knew on returning I would be bored but to be honest that's an understatement it's more like I wouldn't want to return to life as I know it. I know I sound ungrateful and I hear myself and think the same but regardless I feel a sense of grief. It's as if NYC is home and I'm not allowed to go home very often.

I know I am a complicated individual, I get told all the time but the Big Apple can handle this and can feed every side, corner and square of me. Whatever mood I feel, whatever I want to wear, however I want to be perceived she gives it to me. I can step out in a big dress and crazy shoes and she accepts it as much as she enjoys seeing me in a conservative little shift and Mary Jane's. I just love spending time with her.

You'll try to forget her when you leave but she'll tug at your heart. It's like a crazy love affair when you are there, you feel all the emotions you see between the strong male and vulnerable females romantic leads seen in the movies. You feel wooed, swept off your feet; of course you'll try to hold back and make yourself look for the negatives but she'll keep flirting with you, making you take in the curves she has to offer and then you are gone, lovestruck, lost to her. And she will make you crazy, she will encourage you to do some naughty things totally out of character!

When you are on fire, as she will ensure you are, everything seems possible. A cute young guy at the end of the bar that you may not have the guts to approach if you were in London suddenly gets a cheeky smile off you. You make sure he sees you look at him before you look away again and get engrossed in another conversation with your gal pal, its right to make him wait for the next smile. It's not long before he gets it and you suddenly realise you are in control, Big A has got your back, she's the greatest wing man you'll ever have. It's her encouragement that makes you mime 'hey' in a slow, seductive, lick your lips as you speak way. You feel the sexiest you have ever felt and as the cute guy gets off his stool a little later, you know with certainty he's making his way to see you.'So, I'm Drew' he says, you respond with your first name in a business like manner, he can work for the flirt. Lady Luck is whispering in your ear, 'this is your play baby...'

The night rolls on and Drew is entertaining but so are the other guys who've come to sit at Rosie's bar, you alternate the Drew chat with your gal pal and make sure there is a little interaction with all the men of Rosie's, you are the woman of the moment after all or so the lady says! There's a game on in which you show a little interest but the talk is light, charming and full of femininity, that's because you choose it that way.

It's time to leave Drew, you've arranged dinner with some guys you met on the plane. Of course a number exchange is the polite thing to do at this stage.

The champagne flows at the Whiskey bar in the W, one bottle empties as another simultaneously arrives, the bubbles fill the glass and little bits spark out and tickle your nose. The chatter moves from fact and 'what do you do at home...' to fantasies and 'what do you want to do...'; a text from Drew draws a giggle and your new found friends ask 'what's put a smile on your face?' You relay the Rosie's bar tale. The encouragement to invite him along comes from gal pal and the guys, you laugh about it as you sip a few more glasses and then send a text...'come and get me', nice and simple and straight to the point. Big A says its perfect.

Time passes with ease and then he is beside you. The guy you saw at the end of the bar is here with you because you willed it that way. Your friends make themselves scarce after intros, a little smoke outside is their chosen excuse. As soon as they leave Drew's hand, which has been placed on your knee until now, makes its way up your thigh as he leans in and kisses you. Of course the lady wants you to feel a deep, firm kiss and that's what you get. It's the kind of kiss where you are oblivious to what's going on around you. In fact you don't care, it could be a parade of Nun's walking by and you'd still have your head back letting your tongue explore every millimetre of his sweet mouth.

The kiss draws to an end and the others arrive, a little more mingling before the time is referenced at 2.15am. Drew asks if you want to go and of course you say yes, the city is yours to explore and she is inviting you. Goodbyes are said and you jump in a yellow cab, 'Sheraton' says Drew and you suddenly realise that the old girl has quite an adventure in store for you, where did you think you were going...Toy's R Us? Wow, so this is really happening, thoughts of 'I'm not that kinda girl' jump through your mind but that's in a different land and this one has it's own rules besides the lady seems to have lit the way for you.

The neon sign of the Sheraton greets you, the door of the yellow cab opens and Drew takes your hand. You mount the steps to the grand entrance considering each step as you realise the bubbles have had quite an effect. The lobby is large and looming and you finally reach the bank of elevators, the third one opens and you step in with Drew. He presses the 12th floor button and then pushes you against the wall and kisses you deep and hard until you get that feeling in the pit of your stomach, all the doubt of whether this is a good idea or not want him.

You hold hands down the corridor to the room, the key card gives the green light and you decide to do the same, the room is large with two double beds, the lighting is subtle and no changes are made to it. He comes toward you slowly, taking all of you in. You suddenly realise you hadn't planned for this, the knickers are full brief and skin coloured, the bra has more padding than American Football players shoulders and you are not as closely shaved as you'd like. He doesn't seem to care as he peels back the tight red dress to expose Ann Summers finest push up, you make sure you get to the knickers first and whip them off, a quick sling of them far away should mean he doesn't quite see how bad they are.

His mouth is all over you, he kisses your neck, ears, breasts...god his hands are crazy, every inch of you feels sucked, touched, tweaked and you hear your breath get quicker. He removes his shoes, the Hugo Boss jacket and shirt, the trousers drop with the tight boxers and at some stage he has taken his socks off too...the haze of bubbles leaves you a little disoriented but you can feel all that's being done to you.

His tongue pushes between your legs and you could happily scream out, if you do it would be 'thaaaaaank youuuuuuuuu!'.  Before you've time to take it in he's back kissing your mouth and it all gets frantic, you are kissing his chest down to where the hair on his body gets thicker and then you take him fully in your mouth pushing down as far as you can go, a moan and a 'fuck that's good' encourage you to continue. He pulls your head up then and kisses you again, his fingers are slipping in and out of you, he runs a finger down your backside and explores your mouth with his tongue. You are not sure what's going on, its oral, then kissing, hard then gently, then he's slipping fingers in you, he flips you over and continues to do this from behind. He does so gently but firmly as he kisses and nibbles your behind, you wish he was nibbling something firmer and smaller but who cares, he seems content working with what you've got and you don't want it to stop.

He goes to the end of the bed and flips you over dangling his rather thick penis in to your mouth, you return the nibbling favour intermittent with licking and then he pulls himself down the bed to put his tongue back between your legs as you rather enthusiastically suck him. You would do anything he wants right now and you feel hot! It's like Big A is in the room, 'you are on fire baby' she whispers.

He pulls out of your mouth and works his body round while he tries to keep sucking and licking you, the warmth of his mouth and the repetition of his tongue soon build until you hear yourself tell him you are going to come and then you do, its sudden and hard but damn it the bubbles have taken the edge off it.  He stops and stands and looks down at your body. He moves to his suitcase and returns unwrapping a condom, he slips it on his penis and smiles at you, that cheeky boyish grin.

Drew pushes you up the bed, parts your legs and enters you. He is rock hard and he pulls deep in to you, there is no slow build, he cups his hands under your shoulders and pulls deeply in to you, he does so firmly and deeply and then he builds harder and faster, harder and faster, you feel like you actually need this, not just want it you need it, christ you deserve it! 

You are totally lost in it when Drew suddenly stops, he turns you over and lays his full body weight on you as he slips in to you from behind, his legs are on yours and his hands are cupped under your shoulders again as he uses them to leverage deeply in to you. You know that if you wanted to move right now you couldn't and a moment of feeling vulnerable hits you but you want this and it soon disappears.

Drew is telling you how good it feels and saying 'baby', 'oh baby', you wish he would say your name but then you consider it almost doesn't matter, it''s the feeling you want and this feels amazing. He stops and kisses the top of your shoulders, 'turn over baby, I want to watch you come', you flip over and he pulls your legs apart, pushes his body high up on yours and thrusts in to you, he isn't letting up, he keeps thrusting and thrusting, he is rubbing against you and you know he wants to make you climax. 

You are a willing particpant and you want to come so badly, you desperately squeeze and tighten so you can feel it, you wish you'd eased up on the champagne but oh wow, oh yes, he's grinding and moving quickly and you feel it, its building, oh my god you are going to, you moan loudly and he knows, he wants you to climax, 'come for me baby', 'I need you to come for me', oh shit, how you want to please him, you push your head back and let the feeling take over; 'oh god yes, I am going to come for you, please, ohhhh, yeeeeeeees' and then you come, as you shudder he thrusts again and shudders too...

Your head hurts, you open your eyes and it takes a tenth of a second to remember you are in Drew's room, naked, in bed with him and he is still asleep. You slip out of the bed starkers and make your way to the bathroom, the Sheraton have left out a few toiletries bless their souls, there is a feeble looking emergency toothbrush that you take ownership of, you clean your teeth and then again and brush your tongue to remove the nasty taste and any special morning breath that may have built up.

You wipe cotton wool under your eyes and try to work with last nights make up. There isn't a comb in sight so you go for that ruffled with fingers beach look. Once you feel a bit better you jump back in to bed and as much as you try not to, you disturb him.

'Morning baby', he turns to you pulls you in to him and slips his hand between your legs, he then rolls you away from him and reaches his hand round to play with your clitoris, the clock says 6.49am and you lie happy in the realisation your gal pal will be fast asleep and this isn't encroaching on "girl time" and you let out a grateful moan. His hands move in a way that you are comfortable he knows what to do with you, it's not long before that feeling returns, he speeds up the pace and you shudder on his fingers. But oh god, the pain in your head that follows, wow! That hurts!

The hangover is there and the orgasm has taken in to another level but there is no time to complain, Drew is sheathed up and slipping inside you from behind. It's slow and steady and it feels so familiar, it's as if this is how you've been spending your Sundays. Drew touches you gently and teases your breasts with his fingers, he kisses your ears and rhythmically thrusts in to you, it's so gentle and tender, you would be happy to stay here doing this all day.

He's wraps an arm at your waist and he's pulling you down and on to him, it's harder now and wanting and you want him so much. He pushes you over and adopts last nights position from behind but this is harder, deeper and more frantic, your head is screaming but the rest of your body tells it to shut up and enjoy.

Maybe his head hurts too as he stops.  No he is fine, he turns you on to your back and lifts one of your legs entering you and watching himself, he watches his full length gently move in and out and stares down at you, in the cold light of the morning you are wishing you'd taken that pre NYC trip diet a little more seriously but he seems happy enough, he suddenly throws his full weight down on you and thrusts and thrusts and thrusts, you are not sure you are going to come but he once again demands it and you are going to try for him. 

He is moaning and saying he likes 'how you don't really do this' and 'I like that you are a naughty girl only for me'. Did you tell him that last night? His chat is arousing and you feel the build, it hurts your head but you are fighting it, he is commanding you to give it up for him and then its there, 'ooooooh fuuuuuuck' you shout, not the most ladylike thing to say but its all you could get out in the moment and he responds with a 'fuck yeah' as he comes right after. Jeez how your head hurts!

You feel sleepy and he says he will get coffee, you noticed the Starbucks machine in the room but he leaves...huh? In that time you get up, tidy yourself up and stick the nasty undies back on under the rather sexy dress, the wrapping is better than the present you consider! You lie back on the bed and snooze, you awaken to the smell of fresh Bucks' coffee and his smile, 'you got up and dressed and went back to sleep?' he says. Uh, so it would seem. 

Hmmm this is now feeling a little awkward. 'I text your gal pal FYI, I wasn't sure if you had and I didn't want her to worry, I told her you were with'. Man he's good! He packs his stuff as he chats and says he is leaving for home, 'back to Chicago', you know that's how this must end but you secretly pray to Big A that he will say something like 'we've known each other a short time but I think I could love you forever'. You know Big A is saying that you are pushing your luck.  You gather your shoes and clutch bag and walk out together, at the curb side he offers to get his cab to drop you off but the knowledge your hotel is two blocks away makes the morning walk feel a good idea.

It leaves you only to say 'Goodbye Drew and safe flight...' The kiss is one of two parting friends. You walk away and don't look back, nobody looks at you in last nights dress, high heels and clutch bag as you realise you are doing the walk of shame...Big A says there is no such thing here. She tells you to hold your head high and enjoy any looks you do get because they are looks of admiration and nothing else.

At your hotel you tell your gal pal everything and ask if you have been a slut, she reminds you that NYC decided it for you and such a thing doesn't exist in her eyes, you snooze on the bed and then awaken twenty minutes later deciding to walk and eat off the bubbles and sex hangover.

The Insomniac City certainly had an adventure in store for you. You didn't know you would ever do that, gal pal says 'one minute you were Drewling, the next you were under him!' You agree that you couldn't fight her. Big A is such a strong character and she thought the adventure was what you needed, she tailored it to you.

A few days on and it was time to say goodbye to my greatest love. Miles, responsibilities and bank balance prevent me from racing back to see her but I know my friend will always greet me with open arms and won't mind how longs it's been. Until the next time Big A...I love you x


  1. Sheraton, Skyscrapers and the right Shoes - everything a girl needs to experience what life has to offer!!! Some people want it to happen, some people wish it would happen - Sussex Seren MAKES it happen!!!

    1. Love the name! I certainly try to make it happen. Thanks for reading and for your lovely comment x

  2. Honest, straight to the point and completely devoid of bull shit, with the added sparkle that only sussex seren can provide. E L James may as well hang up her flogger. Totally Awesome. Laters Baby

    1. Thank you Sparkling Dragon. It's absolutely a no bullshit blog! Really appreciate your comment. Laters x
